Questions and Answers

Please log in or sign up to access more stuff on this page.

The website:

Q: What's up with the pages I can clearly see on the website, but I can't do anything on?
A: You'll be able to do stuff on them while you are logged in to - and have gotten permissions on the site.
Q: Then why the heck can I see them in the menu when I'm not logged in?
A: Because the website would look too boring if we only had Home and Q&A in the menu.

Chat badges and user icons:

Developer icon.
This icon is given to people who have helped programming the website.
Developers with user administration rights have permission to give written and mouthly warnings to Admins, Moderators and Traffic leaders.
They can also timeout and ban users from the chat.
Developers can also make users either admins or moderators and remove their statuses.
Admin icon.
This icon is given to people who are very trustworthy.
Admins with user administration rights have permission to give mouthly warnings to Moderators and written warnings aswell as mouthly warnings to Traffic leaders.
All admins can timeout and ban moderators and users from the chat and promote/demote chatters to and from Moderators.
Moderator icon.
This icon is given to people who are trustworthy.
Moderators can timeout, ban and unban users from the chat.
Moderators can also give mouthly warnings to traffic leaders.

Staff members:
